It’s March Madness and brackets have busted all over the place. As I watched Tennessee lose to Michigan and become my first Final Four team to exit the tournament, I noticed a security guard. During timeouts, a security guard stood at the free-throw line. He caught my attention because of how slow he moved—Hobbling severely, it took him several moments to travel fifteen feet from the free-throw line back to his post.

It got me to thinking about the probability of him catching someone who ran out onto the floor. If left to the task alone, (my estimation was that) he would be unable accomplish the task. This led me to thinking about how he got the job in the first place. Obviously, I have no clue, but it reminded me that sometimes people get jobs because the employer needs to fill positions. Sometimes, people are in positions just because there needs to be someone in the position.

A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we fulfill God’s role for us and not just fill the position.

When there is a lack of workers, employers are more willing to lower the standard of what is needed in order to fill the spot. This is not the way God operates. God doesn’t assign tasks and roles within His mission just so those spots are filled—He places us within specific roles and tasks because He desires to advance His kingdom and grow our spiritual maturity.

Just as the security guard was severely hobbled, we are unqualified in our own strength to do all the tasks that Jesus gives. Thankfully, Jesus qualifies us as He calls us, which means He promises to work in us and through us as we seek to obediently follow Him in our next step.

TRUTH: Our mindset and heart posture will determine our approach to God’s role for us.

  • If we look to our own ability and strength, we will often feel incapable and just fill the position.
  • Knowing we can’t do it on our own, forces us to seek God’s help to carry out the task at hand.
  • With God’s help, we are able to fulfill every role He has for us.

You are not meant to fill a spot, but to fulfill God’s purpose for you in the spot He has you.

Keep Reflecting Jesus!