Last week I painted some hydrants that have been on my list for months. They are on a street I frequent and they are hard to get to because the street is so busy. Every time I see them, they cry out to me.
Can I tell you it felt so good to finally get them painted!
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we let Jesus work in His time.
As I reveled about how much better the hydrants looked and how good it felt to finally paint them, Holy Spirit whispered, “Now you know how I feel when someone gets saved.” It was a drop the paintbrush moment. Holy Spirit got all up in my feels and drove home an important point in my soul.
In the same way that I had my eye on the hydrants, He has his eye on people.
In the same way, I desired to paint those hydrants, He desires to save people.
In the same way, that I felt joy and satisfaction from seeing those hydrants painted, He celebrates the very people He’s been watching and working (for) come to salvation.
And if I get excited over hydrants, how much more does God and all of heaven celebrate the salvation of a person?!?! Jesus said, “Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who need repentance.” (Luke 15:7
Sometimes, it’s easy to think about God operating heaven with a “It would be great to have you” mindset. God would love to have you and if you choose Him, He will welcome you in. But it’s far more than I’d love to have you…It’s a “I want you with all of my heart” kind of attitude. God sent Jesus to earth, to pay the price for our sins, so that we can be in relationship with Him.
No strangers arrive in heaven because God knows each person. He’s been watching and working in an effort to save them. He welcomes us into His family, not as someone He is meeting for the first time, but as a father who is welcoming a wayward child. No matter how long the separation has been, the Father has never stopped loving, waiting, and working to bring the child home.
God is at work. Don’t give up…It will happen according to His plan and His timing, and it will feel so good!
Keep Reflecting Jesus!
Holy Spirit Was All Up in My feels