Hello Friend,

College football is back. Week one included all the pageantry, passion and drama that makes us love it so much. LSU lost to Florida State Sunday night in gut-punch fashion. Trailing almost the entire game, LSU scored a touchdown with less than ten seconds left and the extra point would send the game to overtime. Unfortunately, for the Bayou Bengals, the kick was blocked.

As the Seminoles celebrated across the field, LSU players were despondent. The camera captured one player, laying face-down on the ground. Before the shot ended, you see the hands of a teammate reach down, pat him on the helmet and then pull him up by the shoulder pads.

A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we pick each other up. 

The beauty of a being a part of a team is that we are not alone. We have people with whom to celebrate the mountain top experiences, but we also have people who will not leave us alone in the valleys. Watching players console teammates is one of my favorite parts of sports. It reveals the type of culture present within the team. It’s meaningful because the teammate who is doing the picking up are also experiencing loss at the same time.

Christianity is a team sport. Yes, we have an individual relationship with Jesus, but this relationship gives us a spot in God’s family. We have Christian teammates all around us and it is our job to pick them up in times of uncertainty, disappointment, and loss.

Picking Up a Teammate Can
Look Like:

  • Dropping off Dinner
  • Forgiving the person who has wronged us
  • Asking for forgiveness
  • Babysitting so parents can have a date night
  • Writing a note of encouragement
  • Making a visit at the hospital
  • Accompanying the individual to the Doctor appointment
  • Being the person who reaches out and breaks radio silence
  • Helping change the brakes or rotate the tires

Not only does picking up a teammate reveal culture, but it builds culture. Each “picking-up” moment strengthens the bonds within the body of Christ. A mountain-top moment is not prerequisite for “picking-up” a teammate. Let’s be on the watch for teammates who need a lift…even as we experience our own losses.

Keep Reflecting Jesus!