In college basketball, an “individual” is a one-on-one practice session involving a player and a coach. It’s called an individual because the player is working-out by themselves, but they are also getting the undivided attention of a coach. The entire workout is constructed to meet the particular needs of the player. The purpose of an “individual” is for the player to improve. 
An individual workout is unique because there is nowhere for the player to hide; all eyes are on the player the entire time. The tenor of the workout flows from the effort and execution of the player. But the coach also has a lot to do with the success of the workout. It’s the coach who designs the workout and it’s the coach who encourages the player in moments of struggle. The success of the workout is contingent upon both the player and the coach.  
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we do things that not only build others up, but also help us improve. 
Individual workouts are beneficial for the player but they can also benefit for the coach. You see, the coach has an opportunity to improve. Individuals provide an opportunity for coaches to hone their craft, refine their on-court persona, and learn how to help players improve. A coach known for his or her ability to develop players will always have a spot on a coaching staff. 
In Romans 14:19, Paul says, “So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding.” Individual workouts are the perfect picture of what it looks like to do things that are “upbuilding” for everyone involved. 
Q. What do “upbuilding” activities look like for followers of Jesus?
A. Any circumstance where investment is taking place creates an opportunity for mutual “upbuilding.” 

  • Coffee shop conversation 
  • Bible studies
  • Helping someone move
  • Serving together at the local rescue mission

Truth: When we invest in the lives of others, it is beneficial for them, but it is beneficial for us as well. When we’re the one being invested in, how we proceed, receive, and utilize what is being invested affects the investor. 
Let’s be intentional to seek opportunities to build others up and in the process, we may just find that we’re being built up as well. 
Keep Reflecting Jesus!