We boarded the plane for our 9:55pm flight from Baltimore to Cincinnati, settled into our seats and moments after they shut the door, the pilot came on the intercom and announced that we needed maintenance. Apparently, a light came on after they shut the door and in the pilot’s words “This was a light that can’t be on if we were going to take off.” 
As quickly as we had boarded, we were now unloading the plane. Within ten minutes they announced that our next gate would be the one right beside us. I made the 100-foot walk to the next gate and watched the “Changing planes” process unfold. There were two things that caught my attention: First, the head pilot helped push passengers in wheel chairs from the first plane to the second plane. Second, the head flight attendant also pushed passengers in wheelchairs from the first plane to the second plane. 
The whole situation was a bummer. Everyone wanted to get going so we could get to our final destination. Having to change planes was a huge inconvenience, but it was a must. There were two people who helped in the process in ways that could be considered below their level or paygrade, and both were the leaders of their crew. 

A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we lead through serving others. 
We don’t have to serve to be a Christian, but we won’t lead or reflect Jesus effectively without serving. A heart of service is required in every position God will ever place us. Many people think of climbing the ladder as the increase in the number of people they get to tell what to do, but it’s actually an increase in the number of people they are responsible to care for through service.
Serving others to meet needs regardless of our position allows the love of Jesus to shine brilliantly through our lives. 
Keep Reflecting Jesus! 
Jonathan Howard