This afternoon, I made a quick visit to my local polling location. As I submitted my ballot into the machine, I looked at the gentleman working the table and said “Have a nice day.” As I was walking towards the door, he replied in kind and said “Thanks for voting…Remember, now you can complain!”
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we participate in the privilege of the work.
It’s common to hear people say “voting is a privilege,” which it is. But many people act as if carrying out the privilege of voting comes with the right to complain. Just because we vote doesn’t mean we have to voice our displeasure if we don’t get what we wanted from the process.
In John chapter 9, Jesus and His disciples encountered a man born blind. The disciples assumed the blindness was a result of sin. Jesus informed them it wasn’t a matter of who sinned, but an opportunity for the “works of God to be displayed in him.”

Jesus went on to say in verse 4 that: “We must work the works of Him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.” Jesus used an unusual combination of pronouns to include the disciples in the work. Jesus said “we” must do the work of Him who sent “me.” In essence, Jesus is saying to accept Jesus is to participate in the works of God.
Truth #1: It is a privilege to participate in the works of Jesus.
Even if the results we experience are less than what we hoped for or expected, the Divine invitation to participate in the supernatural work of redeeming the world is better than we deserve.
Truth #2: There is no time for complaining
Jesus highlighted a sense of urgency that should exude as we seek to do the works of Jesus. There will be a time when we can no longer do the works, so let’s spend our time on task. This picture of urgency is not frantic or frenetic, but a laser-focused approach to our day by establishing priorities in alignment with God’s plan.
It’s a privilege to participate in the mission of God, period! It doesn’t buy us the right to complain, but it does earn us the right to show ourselves approved as children of God.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!