One of my favorite shows on Netflix is “Somebody Feed Phil.” It’s a typical “food” show where the host travels to different cities around the world to experience the cuisine…And in the process, the viewer learns about the culture, history, and people of a particular place.

In the episode highlighting Austin, Texas, Phil visited three ladies who run a kitchen that serves a homeless camp. When discussing the service opportunity and their approach, one of the ladies said “The most important thing when serving others is consistency.”
A meaningful reflection of Jesus can happen as we consistently serve others.
The lady went on to explain that instead of trying to expand their operation into other parts of the city, they had remained focused on the initial camp. They chose not to expand because they learned that consistency was important in order to gain and keep the trust of the people they are helping. They were afraid that upscaling may lead to a forfeiture of their consistency.
Consistency can be a huge helper when dealing with people. Consistency is a quality people value, but few possess. Consistency can be a valuable reflection of God because He is consistent to us.

 3 Truths About Consistency

Truth #1: Being a consistent presence in the lives of others will provide the opportunity to make a meaningful impact.

  • Being consistent helps gain the trust of those around us.
  • As people learn they can depend on us, they will increasingly turn to us in time of need.

Truth #2: Being a consistent presence in the lives of others will create opportunities in which we are disappointed.

  • Being the “consistent one” means we will get stood-up, asked to wait, and feel as they our time is being wasted.
  • It’s not always fun to be consistent— Otherwise more people would be consistent.

Truth #3: Being consistent in the lives of others is playing the long-game.

  • We seek to be consistently present because we know that true life-change happens over the course of time.
  • Each time we show up, help, and prove ourselves trustworthy, we are investing in the person. We make deposits in others; believing God will work and bring about a quality return.

Let’s be consistent in how we love, serve, and pursue others because God is consistent to us.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!