I heard a great story from Jamie Foxx that happened as he prepared to play Ray Charles in the movie “Ray.” Before filming, Foxx spent time with Ray Charles. As soon as the two were introduced, Charles wanted to sit with Foxx at the piano to see if he could “hang.” Jamie Foxx said he was able to keep up until they started playing a Thelonious Monk song. Trying to keep pace, Foxx hit a wrong note, which caused Ray Charles to stop abruptly and ask “what happened?” Foxx said “I hit a wrong note” and Ray Charles responded “Life is about taking the time to hit the right notes.”
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we hit the right notes.
Ray Charles is right. It often takes time to hit the right notes. It takes time to go the appropriate pace, which allows for hitting right notes. It takes time to learn the skill required to hit the right notes. It takes time to be genuine and real with others as we hit the right notes in relationships. In life, hitting right notes requires time.  
We are in a perfect season for practicing this truth. Christmas is about remembering and celebrating God with us. Both remembrance and celebration are time-consuming activities. Our society is good at both celebrating and remembering during this time of year, but if we’re not careful, we use Jesus as the reason to celebrate things other than Jesus.
We celebrate family.
We remember Christmas memories past.
We celebrate gifts.
We remember how it used to be.  
We can be so busy celebrating and remembering good things that we don’t take the time to hit the right notes of remembering and celebrating Jesus. Jesus came to earth so that relationship with Him could be possible. The birth of Jesus was the indication that God had taken the initiative to be in personal relationship with us. 
Perhaps, the best gift we can give this week is undistracted, quality time (alone) with God. The more time we spend with God, the more we tend to hit the right notes.

Hope you have a Merry Christmas!
Keep Reflecting Jesus!