The calling story for our family to move to Cincinnati and plant Bridge City Church began in the first few months of 2020. In the middle of a pandemic, God called us to leave our home and move to SW Ohio. As we began to share our intentions, it was interesting the responses we received. As I shared with folks who may not be very spiritually inclined, the response was “No, you don’t move in the middle of a pandemic.” As I shared with fellow Christians, some of the responses were “Whoa, are you sure?” I love that when the world was saying “no,” and some Christians were saying “whoa,” God was saying “go.”
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we go in the midst of opposing opinions.
If we are going to follow Jesus, we will have to go in the midst of people saying “no” and “whoa.” Fortunately, God also puts people in our path who encourage us in the going. In addition to “no” and “whoa,” I also had folks who would listen to our story and plans and would say “Yes! I see it. Keep going.”
Our Willingness and Ability to Go is Important Because:

  • Going is central to following Jesus: The idea of going is built into our relationship with Jesus. To be a follower of Jesus, I have to go where Jesus goes.
  • Going is where the reflecting happens: As we follow Jesus, He moves and works in our lives in a fashion that only He can do. When He works in and through our lives, people see Jesus.
  • Going is where we acquire the best stories: Testimony of God’s faithfulness, power, and provision happens as we say “yes” and go where Jesus leads us.

God is faithful to lead us into what He has for us next, but He can only lead us if we are willing to go. As we turn the page and launch into a new year, let’s be a people who are willing to go, regardless of naysayers. May we be a people who prioritize the voice of God in 2023!
When God’s direction to “go” trumps the sounds of “no” and “whoa” from the people around us, we are the precipice abundant life in Christ. May our 2023 be a year defined by God stories.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!