One of the reasons I love sports is because you never know what is going to happen. While the Chargers were leading 27-0 Saturday, someone made an in-game wager; putting 1.4 million dollars on the Chargers to win, which would net $11,200. Two hours later, the Jaguars were celebrating an improbable comeback victory and this bettor was suffering a major financial loss
If this person had put the same amount of money, at the same time on the Jaguars, he would have won 39.2 million dollars! Yet another reminder that there is no thing as a “sure” bet and in life, just like sports, we just never know what is going to happen.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens when we bet on God with our trust. 
There is a Danish proverb that say’s “Prediction is difficult, especially about the future.” Despite our inability to predict what happens next, we try predicting the future because we think knowing this intel will help us maximize our experience. Predicting the future allows us to make “safe” bets.
We take hold of “certainty” like a mandarin orange and seek to squeeze every ounce of benefit from it. We would rather know what is coming and get a little juice rather than not know what is coming and have the opportunity for a lot of juice. Jesus knows that we struggle with needing to know and He instructed us to not be anxious about tomorrow. Why would He tell us this? Because being anxious doesn’t do any good.

He used birds as an example to drive home His point.
He said:
 “Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow, nor reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more value than they? (Matthew 6:26).”
Instead of placing small bets in situations when we feel like we can predict the outcome, let’s place bets on God by trusting Him regardless of the circumstance
Because Jesus values us as His children, He promises to provide what we need. We can be certain that God is in control and capable in every situation. Spending more time focusing on the God who knows what is coming lends to us living with more joy as we step into whatever He has for us next.
Predicting the future is difficult and pays little dividends. Trusting God with our future is also difficult, but has a much better payout.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!