While watching the movie “Devotion,” I heard the line “The victory of life is being someone people can count on.” There is definitely more that goes into winning life, but being reliable is a big part of it. We add value to others when we’re  reliable. In fact, reliability may be the fasting growing differentiating factor in society today. Many people are hired and promoted because they are available and reliable.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we are reliably available.
God is not limited by our capability, but by our availability. Meaning, if we are unwilling to go where He leads and do what He instructs, He will not work in and through us.
Three Ideas About Availability
1. Availability is our best ability
God is not looking for someone who can do it all, instead He is looking for people through whom He can do all things. Being available is one of the best gifts we give God.
2. Availability is a choice
Availability is a heart posture lived out by focusing on Jesus. As we keep our attention upon Jesus, we intentionally seek His will and desire to be utilized for His glory. Availability doesn’t happen accidentally; it is a conscious, daily decision to obey.
3. When unavailable, it isn’t God who misses out, but us.
God can work in and through whomever He pleases. He doesn’t need us to accomplish His purposes, but He has decided to include us (for our benefit). Therefore, to be unavailable doesn’t necessarily mean God will not accomplish what He wants to do, but that we will miss out on the opportunity to be used by God.
It’s our availability that invites God’s activity. Let’s be a people who are looking for and ready to step into what God has for us.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!