Greatness is defined as “being larger than ordinary size or ability, or being higher in degree or importance.” Many people are focused on being great. Athletes strive to be champions. Writers strive to land on the best sellers list. Business men and women seek to climb the corporate ladder. Our society highlights and celebrates those who rise above “normal” accomplishment and deed.
Greatness is a fine goal, but it is subjective. How we define greatness determines how we pursue it. Many times, we liken the pursuit of greatness with what we do, but Jesus suggested greatness starts with who we are and informs what we do. In Matthew 7:17, He said, “Every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree produces bad fruit.” Who and what we are determines what we do. Greatness in action begins at the heart level.  
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we are grateful.
Perhaps the road to greatness is paved with bricks of gratefulness. If greatness flows from what is happening in our hearts, the best thing we can do is live with grateful hearts.
Gratefulness Contributes to Greatness When We Understand:
We are blessed regardless of circumstance
Regardless of circumstance, we are recipients of God’s grace, mercy, and provision. There is always a step beneath where we are and what is happening. The truth is we deserved hell today and didn’t get it. And for that, we can be grateful!
Gratefulness is not a character quality, but an approach to life
A grateful heart is connected to eyes that search for reasons to be grateful. We can see what is wrong and what we don’t have, or we can concentrate on what God has given and what He has done.
Where good things come from
James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
When gratefulness is the foundation of our approach to life, we are positioned to move forward with eyes open to the broader scope of what Jesus is doing. We’re able to connect dots and see how what we’ve been through has prepared us for what’s next. Grateful hearts lead to lives that bear Jesus-reflecting fruit.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!