On page 327 of his memoir “Show Dog,” Phil Knight was recounting a moment in 1978 when he was sitting in his swank office on a giant chair that looked like a baseball glove. In the midst of great success, NIKE was facing a colossal challenge; a situation that could lead to the closing of the company. Looking back he identified the roll stress played in clouding his ability to process the situation. This reflective perspective led him to a insightful realization.

“When you see only problems, you’re not seeing clearly.”
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens when see God’s activity in our circumstance.
Stress from the challenging situation was tightening his focus on what was wrong. Instead of cherishing how far NIKE had come, he only saw how far they had to go. He was unable to see the forest for all of the trees. Knight’s insight can help us see our challenges in new light. 
IF #1: If God is everywhere, He is present in our challenge.
Truth #1: We see what we are looking for
EX. #1 In 2014, we decided to buy a minivan. As we looked through the different options, we decided to purchase a Honda Odyssey. Once I started researching Odysseys, I saw them anywhere and everywhere. The Odyssey was on my might and subsequently, they filled my eyes
If we believe God is present in all circumstances, we will start seeing His activity no matter the size of the moment.
IF #2: If God can work in all things at all times, He can use whatever situation we’re facing to bring about His purpose.
Truth #2: We tend to see more of what we see.
EX. #2 Two years ago, we started painting fire hydrants in Anderson Township. All of sudden, I started seeing hydrants in need of painting as I drove the city streets. The more I looked for them, the more I saw rusty hydrants. We can train ourselves to look for certain things.
As we make it a point to identify God’s presence in our current circumstance, we become better at identifying God’s activity in our lives. The net result is an increase in appreciation for what God is doing.
Every situation you face this week will include God’s presence. Clear vision will come by identifying His activity instead of the problems. Don’t miss the miss the beauty of God’s forest because of the challenging trees. 
Keep Reflecting Jesus!