“It’s not about the plane, it’s about the pilot. This line was used twice in the movie “Top Gun: Maverick.” The first time it was meant negatively as Tom Cruise’s character, “Maverick,” communicates a lack of confidence in Rooster’s ability to fly the mission. The second time, it was said as a form of encouragement as Rooster reminded Tom Cruise it’s not about the outdated plane they were flying, but the pilot in the outdated plane.  
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens when we let Him pilot and we focus on being the plane.
When it comes to living on mission as a follower of Jesus, He is not calling us to be the pilot, but the plane. With a bent toward being god, we find it difficult to relinquish the control stick of our lives. As the pilot, Jesus is perfectly suited to maneuver us through life. The best thing we can do is let Jesus fly the plane.
How Do We Live as a Plane?

1. Listen attentively — We can’t obey if we don’t hear the instructions. God speaks to us through His word, His Spirit, and His church. Let’s make it a priority to listen for His voice. It’s impossible for Jesus to pilot the plane if we refuse to listen for His voice.
2. Obey thoroughly — God’s instruction doesn’t make a difference if we fail to implement what He tells us. As we take action based upon God’s instruction in every area of our lives, His movement is experienced in a sweeping fashion that changes who we are and how we live.
3. Trust consistently — True kingdom impact happens when we let God pilot throughout the day for multiples days in a row. The goal is to live in step with Jesus’ direction at all times. Continuing to obey Jesus is a demonstration of trust that He knows what He is doing and that we love Him.
Allowing Jesus to pilot our lives makes it possible to experience kingdom impact in every situation. No matter the circumstance, Jesus is willing to be the “ace” guiding your life. No telling what God will do in and through you when you let Him be the pilot and you choose to be the plane.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!