This past week I spent a couple of days at the Midwest Send Network Gathering. The gathering is a yearly opportunity for planters and their wives to come together for a time of teaching, worship, and encouragement. One of my biggest takeaways had to do with the slides. The slide backgrounds used during worship were (skyline) pictures of the cities represented in the Midwest region. Each song had a different city as the background. Over the course of five worship sessions, each city was used several times.
Cincinnati was first pictured as the background during the song “Firm Foundation” by Cody Carnes and the Belonging Co. The premise of the song is that we can put our faith and trust in Jesus because He is faithful. While singing, I opened my eyes and looked at the screen to see the words “He Won’t Fail” laid on top of the picture of my city!
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we live out the belief that God won’t fail.
It was a powerful reminder that:

  • God is at work in our city: God invited us to Cincinnati to get in on what He was already doing in the city. He will continue to work and He is going to bring about the victorious end He has designed from the very beginning.  
  • God doesn’t know how to fail: No matter what we go through, God is not shaken. He is able to guide us through each day of our lives. Even the failures we experience can be used for eternal significance within God’s plan. What we deem failure can be redeemed for eternal significance.
  • God is going to get us through: When God is our foundation, we’re able to make it through any situation. He is a God of victory and He is gracious to let us be a part of it.
  • God invites us into His victory: He could work without us but has deemed it best to work through us. Let’s accept His daily invite to work through us with enthusiasm, realizing that He is not going to fail. 

Sometimes God gives us the reminders we need in the clearest of ways for the purpose of bolstering our faith and engagement in the mission. May give all we have for the cause of Christ, realizing that He will bring victory because He Won’t Fail!
Keep Reflecting Jesus!