By nature I am a collector. I’ve collected baseball cards, Star Wars action figures, mini bats from baseball stadiums, PEZ Dispensers, and even Beanie Babies. I am particularly drawn to things that increase in value the longer you possess them.
This past weekend, Anderson Township had a community-wide yard sale. They were anticipating fifty-thousand people would visit just to sort through the goods. Both the number items for sale and people shopping in a stranger’s yard are good reminders that people like to acquire and collect.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens because we collect knowledge.
Proverbs 23:23 say’s, “Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.”
We are exhorted to purchase truth and never get rid of it. We are called to be collectors of truth. Not a collector who purchases for the purpose of placing on a shelf, but a collector who never lets go. God’s truth is only beneficial (to us) when we utilize it.
4 Thoughts About Collecting Truth
1. Truth is valuable — Like Gold, truth doesn’t depreciate. It increases in value the longer we have it and act in accordance with it. Truth may go in and out of style for some in society, but Biblical truth is like a priceless watch to be treasured and utilized in any occasion.  
2. To seek truth is to seek God — God is the source of all truth. Looking for truth from the wrong wells will leave you thirsty, while daily time in God’s word sustains us throughout our day.
3. We should devote ourselves to gaining truth — Notice the verse said “Buy truth.” There is a cost involved to attaining truth. It doesn’t happen accidentally or without effort. We gain truth as we: Read the Bible, test principles, attempt fresh challenges, travel different places, and experience new endeavors. Much of what we do throughout the day can lead to the discovery, determination, and application of God’s truth in our lives.
4. Reflection of Jesus flows from His truth — As we obediently live according to God’s truth, we reflect God to the world. It’s impossible to reflect Jesus if we don’t live in the truth of the Bible. 
The price of truth acquired is worth the cost required. Why? Because the value never diminishes. In fact, the longer we possess truth and the more we use it, the greater value it holds. 
Keep Reflecting Jesus!