During the Women’s College World Series, a clip from an Oklahoma Sooner press conference made the rounds on Social media. In the clip, three players where asked they kept from getting stressed while trying to win a national championship? All three players answered with clarity and truth; one following and building upon the previous answer. The short answer was “joy.” Joy comes from the Lord, it’s not dependent on circumstances. It was joy that allowed them to define how they would play softball instead of how a game would define them.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we use what we do for God’s glory instead looking to what we do for fulfillment and purpose.
The trio of Sooners explained it was their relationship with Jesus that supplies the joy in their lives. Because their joy comes from God, their outlook on softball is in a healthier place. Softball doesn’t define them, but their relationship with Jesus defines how they view softball.
The responses from all three players were so rich and full of wisdom. My takeaway was the idea that we can’t look to an outcome for meaning and fulfillment.
Where Are You Looking?
#1 Society programs us to feel good or bad about ourselves based upon the outcomes — A surgeon is only as good as her last surgery. A baseball players is defined by the back of their baseball card. How many people attend a worship service defines the success of what is happening in a church.  
#2 When our relationship with Jesus defines who we are… what we do becomes the platform for pointing people to Jesus. — Notice the flip in our approach to what we do. When we get our value, meaning, and purpose from Jesus, we approach what we do as an opportunity to glorify Jesus instead of the place we look for something we need. No matter your profession, looking to outcomes will leave you hurt, tired, and unfulfilled. Joy from the Lord not sustains, inspires, and fills us. 
Approaching what we do from the overflow of who we are in Jesus will unlock freedom, Joy, and opportunity. Living in this joy allows us to go about our day with the intentionality to reflect Jesus through what we do instead of seeking meaning through what we do.  
Keep Reflecting Jesus!