I was recently at a wedding, as an attendee, waiting for the ceremony to begin when a complete stranger walked up and asked “Are you a pastor?” As I said “yes,” the lady turned and nodded to someone across the room. She said “That’s one point for me.” Completely confused as to what was going on, I listened as she explained that she believes pastors have a particular way of shaking hands. She and her husband had just watched me shake hands and she came over to test her theory.

A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens when we do things like Jesus.

For those of you wondering, the lady said that pastors lean-in toward the person with whom they are shaking hands. Pastors may have a particular way of shaking hands, but Christians are to have a particular way of living. We are called to reflect Jesus in the way we live each day. There is not one aspect of our lives in which God doesn’t desire for us to exhibit Godliness.

What’s one way we can reflect Jesus?

Let’s take a page out of the pastor’s handshake guide. Reflection of Jesus happens when we lean-in towards others. The mission of Jesus is people. As followers of Jesus, we are fishing for people. Pursuit is a major component of fishing. We don’t catch fish from our couch and we won’t catch people without leaving our couch either.

Leaning-in has to do with our approach to people. It’s about going beyond what’s expected. We don’t just greet others, we lean-in and show genuine interest. We don’t just stroke a check, we get involved and help with our time and effort. We don’t just text, we call. Leaning-in is loving your enemies, turning the other check, giving forgiveness, going the extra mile, and sharing our extra jacket.

Leaning-in will happen to the level that we are available. Thankfully, our Heavenly Father is always available. Perhaps we never reflect Jesus more than when we are available to others.

Let’s finish with Good news — Holy Spirit resides within Christians to help us lean-in. It’s not up to you to muster the strength to do that which doesn’t come naturally. It’s your job to relinquish control and let Holy Spirit guide you into the life that pursues others. As we lean, ministry happens, because as we lean, Jesus is reflected.

Keep Reflecting Jesus!