In 2022, the Cincinnati Reds finished the season with a record of 62 wins and 100 losses. As of August 14, they currently have 62 wins and 58 losses. Did you catch that? With 42 games left, they have already equaled their win total from last season. How ‘bout them Redlegs!

Currently in a bit of a lull, the summer has been full of exciting baseball as the Reds have led or been close to the division lead. With a team comprised of one veteran and a slew of youngsters, the Reds have been better than expected. The Reds have surprised a lot of people; including Reds fans.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we put forth the work and let Jesus work.
 About a month ago, during a rain delay, the radio station played a podcast from Spring Training. In the episode, Jonathan India, second baseman for the Reds and podcast host Jim Day were on the phone with Kyle Farmer who was traded from the Reds to the Twins in the offseason. As they chatted, Farmer asked India how it was looking and India said “We are going to surprise a lot of people.” He went on to describe their practices and predict that people were going to like their brand of baseball. As I listened in July, to a podcast recorded in March, the Reds were leading the division and doing exactly what India had predicted.
What struck me about his comments was that he was speaking as one who knew what they had and what they were capable of, and what “work” they were putting in to be good. He had an insider’s viewpoint in March, which was coming to fruition in July.
It reminds me of what can happen in the life of a Jesus follower. Following Jesus is not merely trying to do great things for God. It’s walking in a love relationship with Him and taking action based upon obedience and faith. We don’t merely try hard. We put forth obedient effort that God combines in cooperation with the work of Holy Spirt, which can lead to results that surprise a lot of people.
God tends to exceed expectations. He desires to do it in and through your life! When we align ourselves with Holy Spirit and put in the “work” according to to His commands, the results will be surprising. What once were losses, may just become wins.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!