I recently saw a video where a group of men were seeking to retrieve a soccer ball that had fallen into the water below them. Two men lowered the rescuer down, each holding an arm. The rescuer used his feet to clamp the ball, and then was raised to dry land. The moment the rescuer and the ball were back on solid ground, the entire group began celebrating. While they celebrated their victory, they failed to notice the ball beginning to roll back towards the water. By the time the celebrators saw the ball, it was too late…The ball plunged back into the water.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we stay focused on Jesus in the midst of victory.
The group experienced victory! Before they could fully enjoy the victory, they experienced defeat that returned them to their original circumstance. In fact, it was their celebration of the victory that erased the victory.
Being a follower of Jesus is about victory. The fact we have relationship with Jesus is due to His victory over sin, death, the grave, and Satan. As a follower of Jesus, we get to share in the victory. Because Jesus resides within us, we’re able to walk in victory we would not otherwise. 1 Corinthians 10:13b says, “God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
Three Thoughts About Celebrating

1. It’s good to celebrate victories.

Celebrating victories are fuel for worshipping God. When we acknowledge God’s role in our lives, we magnify who God is and what He has done.
2. A victory doesn’t create space for defeat.
It’s easy to live with a scorecard mindset. We keep track of wins and losses. We would never admit it, but sometimes, when we are on a winning streak (over sin), we will give-in and take a loss, because somehow we think we have earned it.
3. If not careful, we seek victory before we seek Jesus.
It’s fun to celebrate wins. People notice us when we win. Don’t forget, victory comes as we abide in Christ. Let us guard our hearts to never seek victory over Jesus.
Celebration is important. We replicate what we celebrate. Celebration is an important aspect of worship. When we celebrate wins in such a way to point people to the source of the victory, we are reflecting Jesus!
Keep Reflecting Jesus!