I’ve got a bird’s nest outside my bedroom window that is currently being occupied by a momma and two baby birds. We have a perfect vantage point for tracking the progress of this bird family. Our latest excitement stems from watching the mom feed the babies. Following a squawk, she leaves the nest for mere moments, returns and begins to feed the babies by regurgitating the food she has already consumed into the mouths of the babies.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens when share scriptural truth we have consumed.
I get it…totally gross.
But there is spiritual application to be found here. In the same way the mom shares food with her babies, we are to share spiritual food with others; especially those who are younger in their faith than we are. A major aspect of discipleship is helping people learn how to read scripture and glean truth from it.
Three Thoughts About the Momma Bird’s Meal
1. It’s Earned — The momma bird isn’t door-dashing food to her nest. She spends time and energy leaving the nest to find food for share with her babies. We must invest time and energy in studying scripture. We can’t effectively feed truth to others that we have not consumed ourselves.
2. It’s Shared — The momma bird doesn’t keep the meal to herself. She goes looking for food knowing she will share it. An important aspect of studying scripture is the realization that it is not meant for you alone, but for you to learn the lessons and pass them along. We live in a culture of “my truth” and “your truth.” It’s God’s truth and His truth is meant for everybody.
3. It’s Beneficial for Multiple Recipients — Because the momma bird shares, the food benefits three birds. There is a multiplication component to scripture. The truth of scripture is beneficial for all who hear and apply. When we consume and practice scriptural truths, it benefits our lives, which typically impacts people in our circle of influence.
God has tasked us with helping others understand the truths of scripture. Let’s be diligent in searching for truth within the pages of our Bible and being intentional to share it with others.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!
Feeding Time