I’ve been listening to a podcast called “Start to Finish,” which details the life and ministry of Dr. Tony Evans. It’s well done and provides a well-rounded story of his life and ministry. One of the episodes focuses on the legacy of Dr. Evans. They interviewed a myriad of people and a common theme throughout these testimonies is what one individual called the “privilege of access.” Dr. Evans gave others the gift of access into his life.  
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we give people access to our lives.
Person after person gave examples of how Dr. Evens makes time for them in the midst of his busy life. He answers their phone calls and if he doesn’t answer, he calls them back at the next available moment. He checks on people. He’s never too busy to counsel and guide folks who seek his perspective. Many were baffled by his ability to give such accessibility in the midst of such a busy  schedule.
We can learn a lesson from Dr. Evans. In an age of busy-ness and technology, we are losing connectedness. We are less connected because we are less available. We’re trying to accomplish too much or too much of the wrong thing, which leaves us no margin for interaction with others. We make time for what we value. Dr. Evans isn’t too busy for others because he values others.
4 Thoughts About Accessibility
1. Accessibility is REQUIRED — We must be accessible because God is accessible. One of the most amazing qualities of God is that He is always accessible. How can we reflect Him to the world if we are closed off and too busy to be accessed by others?
2. Accessibility is WORK — Accessibility requires intentionality, effort, and endurance. It won’t happen by accident. Much of being accessible will feel like pursuit.
3. Accessibility is SACRIFICE — In order to give access to others, we will have to say no to something else. These decisions are important… We might have to turn the TV off and open our front door. Sacrifice the flippant for the meaningful.
4. Our usability is tied to our ACCESSIBILITY — Accessibility is one of the greatest determining factors in God’s can impact on others through us.
We have access to God because He is accessible. As we are accessible to others, with a willing heart to serve, people experience God in and through us.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!