The food counter at Panera is an interesting place. When food is ready for pick-up, the employee hollers the person’s name and that person comes to the counter to retrieve their food. During the busy times, this process becomes increasingly hairy.
Recently, I watched a lady hover at the counter, impatiently waiting for her food. Despite the employee explaining it would be several minutes and that there were other orders in front of her, she waited front and center. The employee announced the next order, the impatient lady grabbed the plate and began walking away, only to discover it was not her meal. As she returned it to the counter, the employee confirmed it was not her food; explaining they had called someone else’s name.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we live in what Jesus has for US.
Because the impatient lady grabbed the plate, the food was no longer available to be served to the person who had ordered the meal. The employee had to start over because the meal had been “spoiled” the moment it left the counter.
How easy it if for us as followers of Jesus to be the impatient lady. We grab what is not intended for us and spoil the whole thing in the process. We see a flashy new job and we apply for it. We see someone living “the life” on Instagram and we envy it. In seeking to grab what we want, we interfere with what God wants for us and others.
Thoughts on Staying Patient

  • Don’t get discouraged when God calls the names of other people. — The best way to not be discouraged is to find ways to celebrate what is happening for others.
  • Trust God has you where He wants you. — Something new may be coming, but where He currently has you and the thing He has you doing is important.
  • Be grateful for what you get to do where God has you — We often get sidetracked when we are looking at the wrong things. Stay focused on the assignment God has for you.
  • Your next steps are likely connected to what you’re doing in the moment.  Be faithful where you are see what He calls your name for next.

Let’s walk through our week focused on what God has called us to; not letting impatience drive us to action that spoils what God is doing.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!