It’s Thanksgiving week! Many of us are making plans to be around family this week as we enjoy time away from work, good food, and football. We all have different emotions that buzz our nervous system as we prepare to engage family. Some of us can’t wait, while others are just waiting for the arguing to begin. Interpersonal communication gets strained during the holidays because we put ourselves in situations we often avoid during the other fifty-one weeks of the year.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we interact with family members in a way that appreciates their value.
C.S. Lewis said “There are no ordinary people.” As you think about your family, you may be thinking “no joke Clive Staples.” But He also said “You have never talked to a mere mortal…It is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, and exploit.” We could also add “Do holidays with,” but his list may sound a lot like your holiday experiences already.
What a great reminder that the people you spend time with this week are spiritual beings who will live forever. They will either spend eternity in hell or heaven. How might we interact differently if we keep this reality in the forefront of our minds? God is sending you to your Thanksgiving gatherings as a missionary.
3 Ways to Be Missional at Thanksgiving Gatherings
1. Show genuine interest in the lives of others

  • Ask good questions
  • Listen actively
  • Ask even better follow-up questions.
  • If Holy Spirit gives you the go-ahead, ask about spiritual things.  

2. Express thanks for what God has done

  • When people ask what you’re thankful for, include God in your answers.

For example: “God was gracious to bless with me with a promotion. 

  • Prioritize spiritual answers above of physical answers  

For example: “I’m thankful for finding a church home.”
“I’m thankful my son received salvation.”
“I’m thankful my walk with Jesus has had more depth this year. 
3. Refuse to engage in conversations that don’t matter, which ultimately lead to arguments.

  • Meekness is the picture of a Clydesdale — Strength under control. When the moments arise, don’t take the bait…Let them say what they are going to say and let the moment pass. Be a Clydesdale!

God is sending you to your Thanksgiving gathering as a missionary. Start praying for the people you will encounter. May God show His love and value for those people through the manner in which you interact with them.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!