As Director of Basketball Operations, it was my responsibility to book hotels rooms for our team. I began the process of reserving rooms for the season (November-March) in August. Advanced notice is important when you need fifteen rooms everywhere you go. There were several seasons when we participated in a postseason tournament, and I had to wait until the outcome of a game to know if, when, and where we would need our next hotel.
In 2011, we won our third-round game at Old Dominion and found out after the game, just before midnight, we would play round four in Fairfield, Connecticut. When booking blocks of rooms, you have to speak to a special person at hotels, and these people working normal business hours, which meant I had to wait until he next day to call. We were on the bus, headed to Fairfield, before I could call hotels to reserve rooms for that very night! One hotel after another told me they didn’t have room for our team. I grew more anxious with each “no.” We were almost four hours into the journey before I had rooms reserved.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens because we make room for Jesus.
Joseph and Mary were looking for a place to stay on short notice, and they couldn’t find a spot. One hotel after another told them “no” and in the process, missed out on being the birthplace of the Jesus! “Birthplace of the Messiah” could have been their draw for the rest of their business life. If we’re not careful, we become innkeepers during the month of December. We become so focused and busy with the business of Christmas, that we leave no room for Jesus Himself.  
3 Thoughts About Making Room for Jesus
1. Failing to Make Room is a Waste of the Season.
If Jesus is the reason for celebrating Christmas, we waste the season when we fail to make it about Him.
2. Not Making Room Reverses the Anxiousness.
I was anxious when the hotels said they had no room for us. When we fail to make room for Jesus, it is our anxiousness that rises.
3. Making Room During the Holidays Will:

  • Require intentionality
  • Involve quiet time
  • Benefit you and those you are around you
  • Increase the quality of your reflection of Him
  • Be totally worth it

The opposite of a miss is a make. The way to guarantee we won’t miss Jesus, is to make room for Him. We’ve got twelve days ‘til Christmas…Twelve opportunities to make room for Jesus.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!