I was recently watching a TV show set in the context of an athletic team. In this particular episode, a player was at odds with a teammate and sought the counsel of the coach on how to respond. The coach said” Don’t fight back, fight forward.” The coach was encouraging the player to seek reconciliation with the person with whom he was at odds.

The coach’s counsel is spot on. When an offense occurs, reconciliation should be the goal and our response should be in the direction of reconciliation.

A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we seek reconciliation.

Reconciliation is the bringing together of two parties who are in dispute.

Jesus placed a high priority on reconciliation. He said “If you are offering a gift at the alter and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the alter and go. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift (Matthew 5:23-25)”

Two Thoughts

1. No matter which side of a conflict we’re on, our path forward is toward the other person.
Any conflict involves two parties: The offended and the offender. Regardless of which role we play in conflict, we are called to seek out the other person for the purpose of reconciliation.

Truth #1: Reconciliation seeks harmony in the relationship.

2. There is a difference between resolution and reconciliation
These two words are similar but they are not the same. Resolution is the act of solving a dispute. Reconciliation seeks to restore the relationship. For example, a married couple who is in conflict can resolve to divorce and go their separate ways. God’s desire is for the couple to reconcile the relationship and remain married.

Truth #2: Reconciliation seeks to remain in the relationship.

The holidays provide plenty of opportunity for conflict and offense. When you find yourself in the midst of conflict, be quick to seek forgiveness and reconcile the relationship. Nipping a small offense in the bud before it has time to bloom into something nasty may be the best gift you give this Christmas.

Keep Reflecting Jesus!