My family attended the Tuesday practice round of the PGA Championship last week. We were hopeful to see Tiger Woods, but unsure of our chances due to the overwhelming threat of rain. As we entered the grounds, we looked to the video board and saw that Tiger was playing the front nine, so we bolted in the direction.
We got to see Tiger play one and half holes before the players were removed from the course due to stormy weather. But it was what we saw Tiger do after he stopped playing that proved to be our favorite highlight.

We followed Tiger’s group as they walked to the vans that would take them back to the clubhouse. As they loaded up, we passed the vans and walked up the path another 75 yards. After the crowds dispersed, we debated what to do next. Just as we began to walk to the clubhouse, the three white vans strolled by. In the last van, Tiger was sitting in the back on the left, which was the side closest to us. My kids recognized him and started waving. He grinned and waved back! 
A meaningful reflection of Jesus can happen as we acknowledge others.
Tiger’s response to us was one of the highlights of our day.
3 Reminders as We Seek to Make an Impact in the Lives of Others
1. It was Simple
It cost Tiger nothing but a smile and a wave of his hand to acknowledge us as he passed by. Who you are can escalate the value of what you do towards others. As we seek to be good friends to others, the value of what we do for and toward them can increase in value.
2.It was Momentary
Tiger’s actions toward us lasted three seconds. And in three seconds, he made our day! The amount of time required doesn’t automatically determine the value of the expression. Followers of Jesus are following someone who works outside of time, in all places, at all times. He is more than capable of coordinating the story of mankind so that your momentary act of service or encouraging word can carry far greater impact than the mere seconds required for you to do it in the first place.
3. It was Appreciated
My appreciation for Tiger’s response was because it was a response. He saw my kids waving and he responded to them. He didn’t do anything more than we did, and in fact he didn’t even initiate, but in his response, we knew he saw us.
The crazy thing about our encounter with Tiger is that it’s all-together possible that the act of my kids acknowledging Tiger may have blessed his heart too. You just never know what happens in the heart of another person when you acknowledge them.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!



Photo by Blake Meyer on Unsplash