During the second round of The Masters, Jason Day hit his tee shot into the trees on hole #13. Blocked by trees, hitting off pine straw, from a side-hill lie, Jason Day contemplated his options. As Day surveyed his next shot, the announcers speculated on what he would do next. Day eventually decided to punch-out of trouble and get the ball back in position for a wedge shot to the green on the long par 5. Once the decision was made, and Day converted the shot, the announcer offered his agreement with the decision, describing it as a “Conservative decision with aggressive commitment.”
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we aggressively commit to what God has for us next.
The description of the moment was perfect. The decision to lay up was conservative, but Day’s focus and effort to hit the shot correctly was at 100%. Even though it was a lay-up, he was still giving the shot his full attention and effort.
The announcer’s description was noteworthy because this is not always the case with professional golfers.  A lay-up is one of the simpler shots for a professional and yet they can miss the fairway because they didn’t give the shot their full attention and effort.
Followers of Jesus, let’s take a lesson from Jason Day’s approach. How easy it can be to let our commitment wander when God’s direction seems conservative.When the task seems easy or simple, we tend to walk through the motions in autopilot.

What if we approached even the “small” tasks with aggressive commitment?
What is we acted like the next thing God directed us to do was the most important thing in our life?
How might our approach change?
Conservative shots may not be flashy, but they are important. They get us back in position and keep us from making a big number. Repentance is a prime example. After making a poor decision, our sin has us out of position. Repentance is the next play because it gets us back into right standing with God and others. Repentance is no fun, but it is important. An aggressive commitment to repentance will be good for us and help our outcomes.
I hope you will be aggressive in your commitment to hit the next shot God has for you.
Keep Reflecting Jesus


Photo by Cristina Anne Costello on Unsplash