Memorizing scripture is one of those things we all know we should do, but rarely, if ever, try to do. It doesn’t come easy or natural and therefore, we often shy away because we don’t want to put in the work.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens because we input God’s word into our hearts.
Our heart is the control center of our lives. It drives our emotions, words, actions, and reactions. What we put into our hearts will influence what comes out of our lives. In Psalm 119, the Psalmist highlights the importance of inputting the right things.

10With my whole heart, I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments. 11I have stored your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. 12Blessed are you, O lord; teach me your statutes.          — Psalm 119:10-12

As we store God’s word in our hearts, it impacts how we live. Unfortunately for most of us, there is a disconnect between knowing we should and actually doing it. Pittsburgh Steelers head coach, Mike Tomlin, gave us the key to experiencing growth when he said “It’s not what you’re capable of, it’s what you’re willing to do.” We experiencing results from the work we put forth. We can want to be people who memorizes scripture all day, but until we actually try, it won’t happen.
5 Helpers for Putting in the Work of Memorizing Scripture
1. Schedule a time — Make memorizing scripture a priority by scheduling time for it each week. It doesn’t have to be a long period of time, but it would be helpful if it were be regular and frequent.

2. Habit stack
— Memorize scripture as you do something you already do. For example, I paint fire hydrants on Tuesdays. Instead of listening to a podcast, music, or a book, I memorize scripture while I paint.

3. Take it with you
— Write the verses on an index card and put it in your pocket. It’s amazing how many times you can glance at it as you wait in lines throughout the day. PSA: Take it out of your pocket before you do the laundry!

4. Pick a partner
— Invite someone to memorize with you. This will give you a cheerleader and some accountability as you memorize.

5. Memorize passages
— It can be easier to memorize when we work on a passage instead of a bunch of individual verses.

Our reflection of Jesus will be stronger when we put God’s word in our hearts through memorization.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!