I was waiting for a flight at the Atlanta Airport. I was posted up at one of those standing desks they put along the walkways in the terminal. Most people use them as automated-compacting trash cans, but I was getting work done! While standing behind the can, with my bible and notebook spread across the top, the masses passed by with various reactions. Some people stared. Some people nodded in acknowledgement, while others eye-balled me with suspicion as the put their trash in the can.
One particularly lady passed by and audibly acknowledged her approval of what I was doing. I heard “Ok. That’s what I’m talking about.” I looked up to see her smiling and she asked me what I was doing. When I told her I was sermon prepping, she said “Amen.” And then proceeded to give me two “Psalms for the day.”
After our holy-moment, she continued on her way, and as she departed she said “Stay encouraged.”
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we stay encouraged.
Encouragement is the act of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. Encouragement founded in God is the richest encouragement because it is produced from who He is, what He is capable of, and what He has promised.
3 Reasons we can draw Encouragement from God
1. God never changes — His consistency creates an unshakable foundation upon which we can build eternal homes. We know we can rely on Him, we know where to find Him, and we know we can do it all-over again tomorrow.
2. God can handle whatever comes your way — There is not a better team to be on than God’s team because there isn’t a better leader than God. He is unmatchable in His strength, wisdom, and sovereignty.
3. God will make your journey worthwhile — Redemption is God’s specialty. He makes things new, worthwhile, and better than they were previously. No matter the circumstance you find yourself in, you can remain encouraged by the fact you serve a God who can utilize the circumstance for something better than you can imagine or do yourself.

I may be done saying “have a good day.” Instead, I may adopt “Stay encouraged.” When we remain, encouraged, we remain focused on the task at hand, and we continue pursuing God’s mission for us. Staying encouraged helps us keep the main thing the main thing.  
My prayer for you is that you would find your support, confidence, and hope in God this week.

Stay encouraged!