I would like to introduce you to Clark Harris. If that name doesn’t ring any bells, don’t feel bad. Until this past Sunday, only die-hard Bengals fans knew his name. You see, Clark Harris is the long-snapper for the Cincinnati Bengals. Not only is he the long snapper, he has been the snapper for 202 games and he is very good at his Job. 
In the season opener against the Steelers, Harris sustained a torn bicep injury, which sidelined him for the remainder of the game. The injury to Harris left a hole at a very important, but often unappreciated position. 
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we do a good job regardless of the position we hold or the attention we receive.
Sometimes we’re unaware of the importance of someone or something until that person or thing is missing. The absence of Clark Harris revealed his value immediately. The Bengals scored a touchdown to tie the game with two seconds left in regulation and the extra point would win the game. But this was no longer a normal extra-point. With Harris out of the game, the Bengals had to use another player who had not long-snapped since high school. Not only was this point extra, it was going to be extra difficult. 
The game-winning kick was blocked in part to the snap being slower than normal. A second game-winning field goal was missed in overtime. To add insult to injury, the Steelers won the game by kicking a 53-yard field goal as time expired in overtime. 
Truth: Receiving attention is not a perquisite for bringing value in our role. 
It is now apparent to Bengals fans and football fans across the country that Clark Harris is good at his job and brings great value to his team. Just because the common football fan didn’t know his name for the first 201 games doesn’t mean his importance to the team wasn’t substantial. 
As we focus on bringing value in the position God has given us, we prioritize what God can do through us instead of what we can get from our position. When our motivation is the attention of God and not the attention of man, we are able to make kingdom impact.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!