As a gentleman was waiting for his food, he engaged the lady behind the counter. He is a regular and subsequently, they are on a first-name basis. The lady asked if he had moved into his new house. The man responded by saying the house had been put on hold because his mom was in the ICU. Obviously surprised, the lady was caught off-guard and said “I’m sorry.”
The man filled his drink as she finished his sandwich. When she called his name, he received the bag from her as she said, “Good luck and happy thoughts.” The man echoed her words, “happy thoughts,” but his tone of voice didn’t sound as if he believed happy thoughts would actually suffice.  
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we bring the needs of others before God. 
In the moment, the lady was genuinely sorry for his situation and genuinely wanted the situation to improve, so she offered up her best option of encouragement. The man’s tone was telling, because deep down, he knew the situation required more than what thoughts could change.
Truth #1: People intuitively know there is power in prayer. 
The weight of living life without an option for help from a higher power is heavy. I think it was heaviness that I heard in the man’s response “happy thoughts.” It often takes a hard circumstance before we’re open to God’s help.. 
As followers of Jesus, our best option starts with prayer. Placing the need in front of the One who can provide in any circumstance is our best play. People know this, especially when the situation is hard and heavy. 
Truth #2: Prayer connects us with the only One who can genuinely impact the situation. 
Truth #3: Telling someone we are praying for them provides encouragement that comes with actual power. 
To say we will pray for someone is great, but it only counts if we will actually pray. As best I can, I try to stop and pray in the moment. I don’t want to be an accidental liar for promising (with good intentions) and thoughtlessly forgetting later in the day. 
As we encounter people carrying the burden of need, let’s be sure to intercess on their behalf. After all, we know the one who can work in any situation!
Keep Reflecting Jesus!