We recently had a group of college students come to Anderson to help paint fire hydrants. The purpose of their visit was to help us serve our community. Upon reflection, we painted a bunch of fire hydrants, but I’m not so sure that our best investment didn’t happen in the lives of the college students.  Even though the group came to help Bridge City Church serve, we had a valuable opportunity to serve them while they were in Anderson.  
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we love those helping us. 
The very notion of help tilts the focus of an interaction in one direction. The premise of the trip for the college students was to come to Anderson to help Bridge City Church love our community. Even within this context, there were opportunities to love this group through conversation as we served alongside one-another. 
Helping the Helper Communicates:
1. Thanks: Taking a genuine interest in the individual helping (us) is a meaningful way to express gratitude beyond merely expressing “thank you.”
2. Value: Being genuinely interested in the individuals helping communicates we want to know them beyond what they can do for us.
3. Opportunity: Investing in the building of a relationship with the one helping, builds a foundation upon which future interactions can take place. Making connections during a day of helping opens the door to future interactions.. 
Even moments of help provide opportunities to love on people. Let’s not hesitate to ask for help and then be quick to help the helpers. 
Keep Reflecting Jesus!