The defensive coordinator for the Cincinnati Bengals is Lou Anarumo. During a production meeting with the TV broadcasters, they asked him about strategy and what would be important as they prepared to stop their opponent. Coach Anarumo said “We have to keep our eyes on our work.”  The Bengals were preparing to play a team who shifted alot at the line of scrimmage — The offense would line up one way and then, in an effort to confuse the defense, move players around in different formations before they snap the ball.
Coach Anarumo understood the key was for each player on defense to stay focused on their assignment. If the defense started watching the shifting and movement, they would become distracted and confused.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we diligently work on the assignments God has given us.
“Keeping our eyes on our work” is a good strategy for followers of Jesus. Not only does the world offer distractions to keep keep us from doing what God has called us to, but focusing on what God has called fellow-Christians to can also distract. It is entirely too easy to play the comparison game and wonder why God has given some people certain levels of work and not us.
When it Comes to My God-Given Assignment, I could:

  • Envy someone else’s assignment — “I wish I was doing what He is doing.”
  • Complain about my own assignment — “There is nothing exciting about this.
  • Delay working on my assignment — “This really isn’t that important…I will do it later.

When it Comes to My God-Given Assignment, I should:

  • Take ownership of the assignment — “I’m going to do this task as if I were doing it for Jesus Himself.”
  • Give thanks for the opportunity of the assignment — God could have entrusted this task to anyone and  gave it to me.”
  • Enthusiastically work the assignment God has given me — “Nothing better than being included in the mission of God.”

Your assignment not only matters to God and you, but to us, because we are a part of the same team. Each of us doing the assignments God has placed in front of us helps us experience success and the advancement of God’s kingdom. We are in this together.
As we keep our eyes on our work, we reflect Jesus exactly where He wants, how He wants, and to whom He wants.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!