Each time we have a church group come to paint fire hydrants, we end up having the same conversation. At some point, the group will say something along the lines of “You know, it’s too bad you can’t mark these hydrants in way that people would know it was Bridge City who painted them.”
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens as we live quietly.
It’s funny that each group brings up the idea of marking or tagging the hydrants, because Mandie and I had the same conversation when we started painting hydrants last summer. Besides not being able to think of a way to do it that would be allowable, we landed on the conclusion that God should be in charge of the marketing. Yes, we are planting a church. Yes, it would be nice for people to know we are serving the community in this way. At the end of the day, we decided that if we’re doing it for Jesus, He will bring about the results that He desires. The church is His bride, not ours. His marketing approach for the church has worked for the last two-thousand years…Who are we to approve upon His plan.
While writing about living a life that pleases God through brotherly love, the Apostle Paul said to “Aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your own hands, as we instructed you (1 Thessalonians 4:11).
Truth: Many times we focus more on telling people about what we have done instead of focusing on doing what needs to be done. We live in a world that romanticizes fame and stardom. What if the real joy of life is found in quietly doing what Jesus places before us? Having Jesus recognize what we do is far better than man singing our praises. The applause of nailed scarred hands is far more valuable than clapping hand emojis on social media.
Quietly doing what Jesus places before us gives Him the opportunity to market the work in the way He desires. Let’s find contentment in doing the work quietly so that when people hear about it, they are hearing it from Jesus.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!