Over the holidays, I have been able to watch several episodes of “Somebody Feed Phil.” The magic of the show is Phil’s ability to connect with perfect strangers while eating the food they created. Phil has a quirky way about him and he responds to the food he likes with an assortment of “happy” dances.”
 When I first started watching the show, it was fun to watch his reactions, but now I watch the chef watch Phil. Phil enjoys the food with so much joy, it lights up the chef. I’ve started watching the chef watch Phil’s reaction, because it is the chef’s reaction to watching someone legitimately enjoy their hard work and effort that is moving and special.
A meaningful reflection of Jesus happens when we genuinely appreciate what others do.
As someone who writes books, one of my favorite experiences is when someone lets me know how my book helped them. Their comments bring me joy and provide a since of “worthwhile-ness” to the investment I made in writing the book.
Expressing Joy as We Experience the Work of Another:

  • Communicates that we see them: Our enjoyment of the thing created is a nod to the creator.
  • Taps into who they were designed to be: Genuinely enjoying and appreciating something God has placed within the individual to do, encourages the individual on a deeper level because we are identifying and appreciating an aspect of their person that was God-given.
  • Communicates value: Enjoying what another person creates builds value into the individual.
  • Brings them joy knowing they brought us joy: People create because it brings them joy to do it, but it also brings them joy to know others enjoy their creation. One of the best gifts we can give to a creative is to enjoy what they have created.

Genuine joy communicates on a deeper level than words typically touch. It is difficult to feign genuine joy, which is why our appreciation for what others creates is a meaningful expression of love and appreciation for the one creating. Let’s take the time to not only enjoy what others have done, but do so in such a way that our joy blesses the one who inspired our joy in the first place.
Keep Reflecting Jesus!