Jonathan Howard
Lead Pastor
Our lead pastor is Jonathan Howard. He and his wife, Mandie, have been married fourteen years and have three kids: Lauren, Brady, and Audra. The Howards moved to Cincinnati from Georgia in January 2021. They love exploring the Queen City and believe it’s always a good time for Graeter’s ice cream.
Jonathan has served in multiple ministry capacities, including: Team Chaplain and Director of Basketball Operations for Mercer University Men’s Basketball, Children’s Pastor, and in 2021, Jonathan served on staff at Grace Point Fellowship in Franklin, Ohio. He holds a B.A. in Communications and a Masters in Divinity. Jonathan is the author of two books: “Living Mirrors,” and “Stepping Into Next.”
The Howards moved to Cincinnati because they believe saying “yes” to God is the best thing you can ever do.

Ray Charles Said What?

Being What is Missing

To Tag or Not to Tag?

Prison Break

What I Heard While Voting

Your Eyes Are on What?